• 4 weeks ago

There is a big difference between entrusting your real estate search or the sale of your property to a real estate consultant or going ahead with the “do it yourself” approach.


I imagine you are a worker. Maybe you are also a mother or father. In any case, you are a person who works and who, after years of sacrifices, wants to buy a property for themselves or their children. Probably when you return home, you still have other work to do, the family one.

Looking for a house can become a job in all respects, if done without a professional who takes care of the selection of the property and the study of the documentation.

It is one thing to find the time (sometimes even that is difficult) to go and see a property and ask a professional, a Real Estate Agent, everything you need without having to go to offices or make countless phone calls; therefore being able to rely on a professional who knows what needs to be verified, who knows how to make assessments and presents a range of choices based on the needs you have requested.

It’s one thing to do everything yourself: get all the documentation, call the public offices (hoping not to have to go there directly), check the documentation (you have to know how to do it), evaluate the fair value of your property, let them know that you are selling it, select potential buyers, negotiate as a direct interested party, write a proposal or preliminary and… hope that everything goes well.

I have no doubt that today, thanks to the digital age, we have the opportunity to be and are, in all respects, much more informed even in areas that are not our expertise.

There are many trainers who teach courses and hold seminars on the web that you can attend for free and that are in fact full of content and information.

But if you are looking for a house, you work and carry out your daily life tasks, I don’t think you could dedicate yourself to this type of “work”. Because this is what awaits you when you decide to look for your house on your own, without using a professional.


I imagine that when you decide to renovate your home, you do a search for the best on the market and based on word of mouth, thanks to reviews or simply trusting your instinct, you choose a company to entrust the work to. The same thing when you look for a plumber, a dentist, a body shop and so on.

Why should you rely on 2-3-4 and sometimes an indefinite number of Agencies or Real Estate Agents to search for your property or sell it?

Do you think that leaving a request on the phone is enough?

If you rely on a professional, you deserve the service you deserve. If you have to sell your property, important steps must be taken before it is put on the portals.

Real estate consultancy is essential to understand how best to proceed, whether you have to find your property or sell it.

You should not allow a professional to gather some information and put your property in the “cauldron” of advertising.

Unfortunately, over time, the idea has developed that it is enough to have an ad published by multiple agencies and the game is done. Sometimes it happens but relying on good luck is not the best thing in this case.

It is about your home and your close interests.

Only if you hire a Real Estate Agent, you can expect professional work as happens in other sectors.


Do-it-yourself is sometimes an interesting activity, sometimes even fun. But if you encounter difficulties and problems, it risks being a failure.

I don’t think anyone wants to waste time and money. And I don’t think it’s yours either.

Do-it-yourself means looking for a private individual on your own, thinking you’ll save time and money. In reality, many private individuals regret having put their home up for sale on their own: they’ve wasted time in negotiations, they’ve received countless visits with no outcome and in the worst cases, they’ve signed proposals and are tied into impossible sales.

Not knowing how to “read” the documentation or ignoring some details can cost you dearly.

For example, imagine if you bought a piece of land with a right of way that is not present in the deed of origin of the current seller. You’d think that, since it was drawn up by a Notary, you could sleep soundly.

Well, not always. It has happened that a right was omitted in the purchase deed and not having requested the previous deed, the current owner, has purchased having to allow access to his property.

If you do not know how and what to look for, you can find yourself with burdens on your new property.


You are not obligated to have a trusted Real Estate Agent who looks after your interests.

But having one means sleeping soundly and receiving a service that allows you to dedicate yourself to other things.

Furthermore, all the work that precedes the negotiation and therefore the mediation is a real estate consultancy job and cannot be entrusted to more than one person.

The real estate consultancy job allows you to know, among many aspects, a fundamental element for your sale: the actual state of the property.

If you buy without knowing the technical conditions and the steps of the property that have occurred over time, regarding successions and donations, you can find yourself losing a lot of time and a lot of money.

The consultancy is part of the mediation service but can be requested to deal with a negotiation or to have a complete real estate valuation; if it is part of the mediation, it is paid only at the conclusion of the deal or at the signing of the preliminary contract or the deed.

If requested as a service without proceeding with the negotiation and the deed, the Consultant/Real Estate Agent will deliver the written report and the presentation of the pro-forma invoice.

If you decide to carry out the negotiation independently, remember that the true interest, on the part of a potential buyer, must be written.

Only with a written proposal and a check, you have the guarantee that the potential buyer is concretely interested.

Relying on the Consultant/Real Estate Agent to search for your property is the choice of those who want a professional who can guide them in the purchase in the best way.

Do not ask for less for your home. Searching for or selling it requires commitment and precision.

And it is not even enough to publish an ad to sell a property.

It is a job that must be done side by side between the Real Estate Agent and you, the owner or buyer.

We hope to be your choice!

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