• 4 months ago

Maybe you’ve never thought about it. Or perhaps you have convinced yourself that it is an extra or unnecessary expense.

In this article I want to explain to you why a real estate consultant is an advantage for buying your house!

You must take into consideration some aspects that are underestimated but which are fundamental to purchasing a property in the best way and the advantages you have with continuous consultancy.

The real estate market is constantly evolving and “revolutionizing”.

What may be an opportunity and a business today may not be so in the short term, sometimes even in the space of a few months. Yes, because we cannot continue to think that the real estate market is “stable”.

Certainly investing in real estate is and will always be the best investment but not the market itself and its rules and regulations; Precisely for this reason it is important to recognize objective and subjective factors that can make the difference in the choice.
If you have ever looked for a property to buy, you may have had some ideas but they were all very generic and sometimes did not correspond to what the market was really offering at that moment and at the price you would have wanted.

It is not certain that all the characteristics you imagine can be found in the same place, in the same property and at the same time.
This is why a specific study of the property is essential to understand if it is suitable to be a good investment for you.

First of all you need to understand WHAT exactly you are looking for and WHY, to then select the properties and take you to see only those that are truly “in line”, from which you will make your choice.

The study must therefore be done BEFORE taking you to see it!

In fact, I imagine that you have happened to visit properties and have discovered on site the presence or absence of characteristics that, if you had known about them before, you would have saved yourself the trip and the time to make that visit.

This is the biggest hassle you can experience if you don’t rely on a professional: Useless visits and waste of time!
A Real Estate Agent, as a Consultant, is a person whose objective is to guarantee your full satisfaction, he will be able to show you what advantages one property can have compared to another to give you the best.

There are certainly other aspects but I underline the following because I believe they are the most important to take into consideration first.

Sed ultrices placerat metus. Vivamus posuere leo nunc, eget mollis hatred posuere nec.
A Real Estate Agent:

  1. Make an analysis of all your needs by comparing them with the local market, choosing the area or areas where to start doing a targeted search (you could randomly browse through the many real estate adverts, following only generic information you have heard but not knowing the area and being able to evaluate whether it is really right for you)
  2. Contact the owners of the properties selected for you and interact with the reference technician to understand the **state of the property
  3. If the property does not have a trusted technician, the professional uses his team to begin the verification of the technical-urban planning documentation and present you with a report
  4. Together with you, evaluate all the elements that characterize each property to narrow down the selection, find out the costs for any work to be carried out and arrive at 2-3 properties to visit on site to choose the one to acquire.

At this point it’s just a matter of choosing which property is really the right one, based on your tastes as you already know the state of affairs and consequently know that it is *the right investment for you!

Only in this way will you avoid wasting time and will know that you are visiting properties to choose from!

Some people think that contacting multiple agencies and leaving a description of the property is a faster way to find a home. In reality, they are the same ones who after 1 year, have never been called by anyone.

Others had the disappointment of going to see properties that were not on target with what they were looking for, apart from having the same number of rooms; You also know that this is not enough to travel some kilometres, spend half a day and discover on site that the property is not suitable for your needs.

Unnecessary visits occur because the data is entered summarily and is summarily recognized by the management system in relation to a generic property entered.

Just as you choose to turn to a mechanic to repair your car or a lawyer to resolve a dispute, you should do the same thing to choose your home.

Choosing a real estate consultant and agent means entering into a very important collaboration; many personal and emotional aspects are involved as well as a significant financial budget and therefore it must be the best investment for you.

So imagine relaxing when visiting the properties that the Consultant and Real Estate Agent has chosen, not taking you around because he has to show you something…

Imagine realizing your dream without negative surprises and waste of time!

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