Do you want to have a professional help you choose your property?

  • 4 months ago

Well yes. It’s time to say it. There is a big difference between entrusting your real estate search or the sale of your property to a real estate consultant or going ahead with the “do it yourself” method.

Have you opted for DIY?

I imagine you are a worker. Maybe you are also a mother or father. In any case, you are a working person who, after years of sacrifices, wants to buy a property for yourself or your children. Probably when you return home, you still have other work to do, the family one.

Looking for a house can become a job in all respects, if done without a professional who takes care of the selection of the property and the study of the documentation. It’s one thing to find the time (sometimes difficult too) to go and see a property and ask a professional, a Real Estate Agent, for everything you need without having to go to offices or make countless phone calls; therefore being able to rely on a professional who knows what needs to be verified, knows how to analyze the values ​​and presents a range of choices based on the needs you have asked of him. It’s one thing to do everything yourself: retrieve all the documentation, call the public offices (often you have to go there directly), check the documentation (you have to know how to do it), evaluate the right value of your property, let them know that you’re selling it, select the potential buyers, make the negotiation while being directly interested, write a proposal or preliminary proposal and… hope that everything goes well. I have no doubt that today, thanks to the digital age, we have the possibility of being and are, to all intents and purposes, much more informed even in areas not within our competence. There are many trainers who run courses and hold seminars on the web which you can also attend for free and which are in fact rich in content and information. But if you are looking for a house, working and carrying out your daily life tasks, I don’t think you could also dedicate yourself to this type of (unpaid) “work”. Because this is what awaits you the moment you decide to look for your home on your own, without using a professional.


Choose Your Professional

I imagine that when you decide to renovate your home, you do a search for the best ones on the market and based on word of mouth, thanks to reviews or simply relying on your instincts, you choose a company to entrust the work to. Same thing when you’re looking for a plumber, a dentist, a body shop and so on. Why then should you rely on 2-3-4 and sometimes an indefinite number of agencies or real estate agents for the sale of your property or for its search?


Do you think everyone starts working for you in the morning just because you left a verbal request?


It is not so. And I’m not saying this to discredit anyone, on the contrary. It’s to give value to what we do. If you rely on a professional, you expect him to provide you with service. But relying on a professional means making sure that he has time to organize the work to do what you chose him for. If it is the sale of your home, there are important steps to take before putting your property up for sale. Unfortunately, over time, the idea has been created that it is enough to have multiple agencies place an advert and that’s it. It happens sometimes, sure. But relying on good luck is not the best thing in this case. This is about your home and your close interests. Only if you give the task to a professional can you receive and expect the work to be done.


Why Isn’t It Worth Not Having a Professional?

“Do it yourself” is sometimes an interesting activity, sometimes even fun. But if instead you encounter difficulties and problems, it risks being a failure.

I don’t think anyone wants to waste time and money. And I don’t think yours either. So the complete “do it yourself” means looking for the private individual yourself thinking of saving time and money. In reality, many private individuals have regretted selling their home on their own, precisely because it is not as simple as you think or as perhaps it once was.

Not knowing how to “read” the documentation or ignoring some details can cost you dearly. Imagine if, for example, you bought land with a right of way not present on the current seller’s deed of origin. You would think that, having been drafted by a Notary, you would be able to sleep easy.

Well, not always. It happened that a right was omitted in the purchase deed and not having requested the previous deed, the new owner, despite it being his property which he did not like to allow someone to enter, found himself forced to to let the neighbor who had the right to get water from the well enter his property. If you don’t know how and what to look for, you can end up with burdens on your new property or paying for damages to the one you just sold.

Giving Exclusivity Means Being Exclusive

You are not obligated to have a trusted Real Estate Agent looking out for your interests.

But having it means sleeping peacefully and receiving a service that allows you to dedicate yourself to other things. Furthermore, all the work that precedes the negotiation and therefore the mediation is real consultancy work and cannot be entrusted to more than one person. Furthermore, it is paid only at the conclusion of the deal or at the signing of the preliminary contract or the deed; and for a Real Estate Agent who does not have the security of being in charge of the owner, he does not risk hours of work only to then be told that another agency has found the potential buyer.

Remember that a real interest in buying must be written. Only with a written proposal and a check can you guarantee that there isn’t anyone on the other side who wants to waste time. When you want a service, you always turn to someone, you choose him or her and you rely on him or her until the end of the job. Don’t want less for your home. Searching for or selling it requires commitment and precision. It is not enough to publish an advert to sell a property. It is a job that must be done side by side between the Real Estate Agent and you, the owner or buyer. If you don’t have a trusted agency and you are in Tuscany, we can probably do what you need.

We hope to be your choice!

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